Uptime Institute Professional Services have recently awarded Tier III Ready status for the Cannon Modular Data Centre 100-kW Range with further awards for the 250kw, 500kw and 1MW MDC’S expected later this year.
Cannon Technical Sales & Marketing Director Glenn Conlon comments; Cannon are excited to be awarded our first of 4 Tier III ready Modular DC designs. This award will accelerate our clients own Tier III certification, will reduce the costs and fast-track their time to market.
Tier III: is described as CONCURRENTLY MAINTAINABLE and ensures that ANY component can be taken out of service without affecting production.
This award provides our customer with fact-based evidence that their final build will more easily obtain their final Tier Certification by utilising the Cannon MDC range of product, this will:
- REDUCE time to market
- REDUCE design & engineering costs
- REDUCE cost and risks associated with alternative options
- SUPPORT applications for final Tier Certification
Cannon have developed a repeatable modular data centre product design composed of an initial 64.46m2 build supporting 16 IT racks with a capacity of up to 6kW per rack. IT Load cooled using energy efficient direct expansion (DX) chillers and with-in-row (WIRC) air handling units. The 100-kW Granular Modular Data Center supports an IT load of 93.25 kilowatts (kw) for a data centre design that could fulfil the requirements needed to meet the Tier III standard.
Critical IT spaces within the design include a main data aisle inclusive of network racks and supporting mechanical and electrical (M&E) capacity components. The design is based on a three phase, 380-volt (V), 50-hetz (Hz) power input.
The data centre module will be supported by two engine generators, each generator having a belly storage tank which provides on-site fuel storage. Power to the IT load in the module will be supported by 2N uninterruptible power supply (UPS) units located in the data centre module. Electrical distribution from the UPS to IT load is configured using A and B distribution through redundant cable and wiring located above the IT racks.

Cannon Modular Data Centres Are Flexible and Scalable
A modular data centre offers unparalleled flexibility. You can ship your data centre anywhere in the world for addition, integration, or retrofitting into your existing data centre footprint. You can also combine modular data centres into a single system. These data centres are characterized by a variety of cooling and power options, meaning there will be something to match your particular business requirements. The mobility of a modular data centre allows you to use it in remote locations or makeshift locations.
Why Modular Data Centres Help You Stay Compliant
The data centre is considered one unit (rather than several discrete systems). This means cost benefits and convenience.
Modular Data Centre High Density and Low PUE (Power Use Effectiveness)
The data centre comes complete with network connections, storage, servers, power lines, monitoring units, fire detection units, software, security, a cooling facility and everything else you would expect from a modern data centre. Not having to buy these components/systems one by one means you will save money, because the plug-and-play units require minimal expertise, meaning you do not need a large in-house technical team for the job. You save money from reduced space utilization, keeping in mind real estate cost is a major cost to businesses today, and this means reduced cooling costs. You also save money from the lower installation costs and the lower relocation costs.
How Modular Data Centres Keep Deployment Times Low
The low deployment time of modular data centres is a big advantage to businesses in competitive industries. It only takes a few weeks to install a modular data centre since all components are standardized and you ship it in a tested/assembled unit.
How Compatible Are Modular Data Centres?
You are unlikely to have compatibility issues since you get all components from one vendor. This compatibility also means better interworking, which means better results. Some of our data centres come with pre-loaded application/virtualization software. The compatibility also means you can use a unified monitoring tool, if this feature is supported by the vendor.
Commissioning a Modular Data Centre
Commissioning a modular data centre is much easier than commissioning a traditional data centre. FAT (Factory Acceptance Testing) before deployment gives you greater confidence in your data centre since you will know it is working before you deploy it.
For more information please contact:
Cannon Technologies
T: 01425 632600
E: sales@cannontech.co.uk
W: https://cannondatacenters.com/