Cannon Technologies have provided their latest Outdoor cabinet life support system for NETWORK RAILS SISS system at the New Bromsgrove Station.
Typically these systems would include:
- CIS (Customer Information Systems)
- PA (Public Address)
- LLPA (Long Line Public Address)
- PAVA (Public Address Voice Alarm)
- PHP (Passenger Help Points)
- CCTV (Operational and Security)
- Station Management Systems (SISS Management & Control Platform)
- Command & Control Environments (including ergonomic assessments)
Bromsgrove’s £24m station development, designed to attract business to the town and improve integration with other transport facilities, is complete and Cannon Technologies have provided the Outdoor cabinet life support system for SISS system.
The new station features a staffed ticket office, passenger waiting room, toilets and 350 onsite car parking spaces.
The development was carried out by Worcestershire County Council, the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA), and Network Rail, with construction contractor Buckingham Group, but was subject to delays last year because of ground decontamination work.
Martin Ball, area director for Network Rail, said: “The new Bromsgrove station will provide a significant boost to passengers and the wider area, providing better facilities and a much-improved first impression of the town.
“Cannon worked closely with Network Rail and it’s prime contractors including Mott MacDonald, Buckingham, Kemada (M&E) & Securitec (Comms) to deliver the outdoor cabinets for the carpark, concourse and station to their specific requirements. This included Climate control via ACU, vandal resistance, AC power distribution and a challenging multi-bay configuration”.
Steve Fisher, London Midland’s head of regional services, said: “The new station is all about making travel simpler for our passengers. It brings a range of extra benefits, including a staffed ticket office, additional parking and easier connections to local bus services. Cannon Technologies have provided great support to our contractors and helped bring the new station online”

- Multi-chamber with end POD based on S175800A
- Front/Rear doors
- 1000mm deep
- End POD Air-Conditioner
- 475W Main Chamber heater
- Dual wall Insulated
- Mains Power distribution via Consumer Unit
- Stainless Steel lever handle with Padlock option
- 3 Multi-chamber with end POD cabinets are installed close to main station for separate station and train operator Survelliance, DVR, Comms, PA, Customer Info, Ticket Machine & Parking systems
- 5 Single chamber cabinets located on station platform and car-parks
- Single chamber cabinets based on S174800A
- Front/Rear doors
- 1000mm deep
- End POD Air-Conditioner
- 475W Main Chamber heater
- Dual wall Insulated
- Mains Power distribution via Consumer Unit
- Stainless Steel lever handle with Padlock option
Please contact our sales department for further details of our Integrated Outdoor cabinet range or download the brochure from our product section.